Asking you to "remember to take your daily dose of colour" may sound like a bizarre fashion trend but for Tattfoo Tan, a Malaysian-born artist now based in New York it’s become a mantra for his NMS – Nature Matching System project. The NMS uses shades of colours sourced from farmer’s markets; Tattfoo takes photos of produce and using Photoshop’s eyedropper tool has extracted 88 colours to represent 88 different fruits and vegetables.

These intense shades represent a new way to appreciate nutrition, as a natural indicator for phytochemicals and beneficial nutrients ‚Äì so the more colours per meal, the better. Calling them nature‚Äôs own nutrition labels, in 2008 Tattfoo has enlisted the help of local schoolchildren and the New York City Department of Transportation and the DUMBO Improvement District, he painted a mural of the NMS, installing the mural under the Manhatten Bridge where it stayed for 11 months. Since then  he is currently working on a mural for in the playground for Brooklyn‚Äôs PS791 school, which will be completed this summer, bringing more healthy reminders to an urban environment.

See more of Tattfoo’s Nature Matching System, which pieces including films, placemats, murals, colouring books and screensavers here.