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76 posts

Where it all begin. Our curated newsletter containing the most relevant posts from that month; which we've been sending (give of take a couple of down years) since 1997 👀

#711 | Fandoms, Cultural Half Lives & Subverting Bandcamp

#710 | Is it time we broke up with nostalgia?

#709 | Indexing Culture, Tasting Design & Meme Manifestos 👀

#708 | Our future is not a hype

#707 | Growing at the speed of trust

#706 | Old Internet vs New Internet

#705 | AI Observatories, Heirloom Hardware & Rewilding Sneakers 👟

#704 | How do you nurture healthier communities?

#703 | Amber Atherton, Poolsuite Mixtapes & Networked Countercultures ⚫️⚫️

#702 | Report Launch, Consumer Crypto & Rethinking Ownership

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