It is one thing to send 'hugs and kisses' to a distant friend or family member, it is quite another to send the sensation of tactile human touch. Polish new media art group, panGenerator created Tactilu, a bracelet for remote tactile communication. Using bluetooth or a wifi connection, the bracelet is capable of transmitting the touch between two individuals. The system is comprised of two elements: a bracelet that sends data and a bracelet that receives data. A touch sensor located on upper side of the bracelet coverts swipes into tactile or haptic motion for the user with the receiving device.

Tactilu is still in an early alpha version, but the panGenerator team is working on the next version with will be 50% slimmer and where the textile will be replaced with casted polyurethane. Tactilu, as we saw with Life, is an example of how sound and vision are no longer required to communicate emotions and stories amongst people.