The Synaesynth from designer Daniel Kerris is the latest twist on synthesisers that transform colours into sound. Similar to Davide Cairo's Sadly By Your Side, an album with an accompanying app that lets users point their phone's camera at anything and then the tracks are remixed as it detects different colours.

Synaesynth works almost identically, except it has the ability to create music for you. Using the colours around us, the Synaesynth converts the images it captures to corresponding sounds. Coloured data is then pulled from a video feed and directed to the control pad, allowing you to select the colours you'd like to hear transformed in to sounds, in real time.

In terms of design, it's built similarly to an MPC and could be utilised by producers/DJs at clubs and shows to provide a unique twist on live performances, and with no limits to the colour spectrum, every track will be one-of-a-kind.