Coco Rocha is the so-called ‘Queen of Pose.’ With a title so regal, the traditional two-dimensional photo will simply not do the model’s form justice. For his latest project, photographer Steven Sebring has set out to capture exactly what earned Rocha the accolade, from all angles.

Study of Pose: 1000 Poses by Coco Rocha consists of a photo book, an interactive app, a video installation and a limited edition series of 3D –printed figurines. The study is the culmination of Sebring’s experimentations with a cutting edge 360º camera system involving 100 cameras. In total, the project yielded 100,000 unique images of the shape-shifting Rocha covering all the classic poses from art history, fashion and film; from ballet to Elvis and everything in between.

The book contains all 1000 poses and a floor to ceiling television screen installation shows Rocha rotating in an endless pose; hundreds of tiny 3D printed figurines also capture angular beauty but the most impressive result is Sebring’s interactive app.  The app offers viewers the full 360º perspective of every single pose.