After numerous office parties, drunken Christmas nights out and the formidable NYE, new messaging app Strings could certainly come in handy for most of us. We are all too familiar with that inevitable feeling of dread the morning after the night before when looking through our smartphones. Sometimes just seconds after sending an angry text or flirty photograph, you wish your message would come hurtling back to your phone without the intended receiver having ever seen it.
Strings by Be Labs sets out to give people the freedom of spontaneously sharing personal moments and thoughts via their smartphone, without the fear of regret. Text messages can be sent to fellow users of the app who cannot share them with anyone else unless you give them permission to. Friends also require your consent before downloading any videos or photos you send them.
If you send something you really wish you hadn’t, you can delete all evidence of it ever happening from your own phone and the recipient's. Unlike other messaging apps, Strings allows users complete control over their content, picking and choosing what to delete without losing everything.