Nomadic and pop-up projects - such as the Warby Parker Class Trip, or the Freight Elevator Museum - have the unique capacity to get people’s attention by disrupting their expectations of traditional venues. Now, artist Doug Aitken has taken this concept further and designed a train that will cross the United States seeking to bring the finest contemporary artists to a wider range of communities.

Created in collaboration with Levi’s, Station to Station: A Nomadic Happening is a public art project that will travel for three weeks from New York to San Francisco, making ten stops along the way. Each stop will feature art exhibitions, film screenings, performances, and other site-specific happenings. Several top-notch artists, such as Kenneth Anger, Ariel Pink, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Dan Deacon, Dirty Projectors, Urs Fischer, Aaron Koblin and Beck, have already announced their involvement in this exciting traveling experience.

The project will debut on September 6th, and all funds from ticket sales and donations will be distributed to partner cultural institutions.