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So, Stag & Dagger, the multi-venue East End London festival, returns on Friday 21 May for its third year with a heavyweight line up of over 100 live music acts and DJs, including These New Puritans, Sian Alice Group, Archie Bronson Outfit, We Have Band, Frankie & the Heartstrings and DJ sets from Miike Snow, Little Boots, Dopplereffekt, Simian Mobile Disco and Starkey. Damn!

'cause we're kind like that, we're giving away 2 tickets to the festival. To win answer this simple question:

What colour isFreddie's hair?

Send your answers to no later than 3pm Friday 21 May. Judges decision final blah blah blah and if you don't manage to blag some tickets from us make sure to get your wristband from Hearn St Car Park, 7-11 Hearn St, Shoreditch from 6pm.

For more information on line up and venues visit: