Sonos and We Are Matik launched Sonos CyFi Lab for the Re/code Code Conference, 2014, with the aim of building an immersive audio visual experience that visually tracks the natural "cymatic" patterns when a Sonos HiFi is playing.

Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration. For the lab, We Are Matik built three experiment stations running different audio configurations running through varying materials, such as microparticles, non-newtonian fluid, and liquid. These were then captured by HD cameras in real time, and shown on a large LED wall.
The term 'Cymatics' comes from the Greek "kuma" - meaning "wave". The idea in We Are Matik's own words is that through the "resonance of sound wave forms across different mediums," the series of experiments magnifies "Sonos' HiFi sound," making it visible.
The project is perhaps a testament to the appeal of digital files being realised in physical forms. We've seen it with regards to print publications and digital media and the process of transforming physical media into digital sound, but this is interesting in particular because it explores sound and visual at once.