A new project that invites you on a reflective journey to an oasis in the Mojave desert
It’s not often the enjoyment you get from a pool is found more in getting to it than bathing in it. But then again, it’s not often that getting to it involves a GPS guided journey into the unknown depths of the Mojave desert.

Alfredo Barsuglia has situated a Social Pool in these baron surroundings to create what should be, (providing you find it), a transformative journey, offering the promise of relaxation and the peace of remoteness, all while staying tuned in. Visitors pick up the keys to the pool and the GPS co-ordinates from the MAK center for art and architecture before embarking on their journey.

“Astutely intertwining semantic constructs like contemporary art, the pool (the symbol of carefree wealth, even more so in the desert), relaxation and nature, Social Pool is a complex replica of the contradictions and ideology of contemporary society, where remoteness from others and quietude are luxuries for the ever-communicating city-dweller,” says Stephanie Weber from the department of media and performance art , MOMA, New York, on Barsuglia’s website.

Barsuglia frames the time spent driving to see Social Pool as an opportunity to reflect on our consumption and entertainment-driven lifestyle, the embodiment of life in late capitalism and the treat yourself attitude of consumer society.

This is an interesting idea that explores the nature and value of the journey in the context of travel, and places as much importance on how you get somewhere, as on the place you're going.