Join us for the latest event in our series of Breakfast Briefings at Shoreditch House
Today, many of us live fast-paced lifestyles. We work hard, play hard and stay switched on 24/7. But for many early adopters being busy is no longer a badge of honour.

They’re choosing to spend more time with friends and family instead of working a 100 hour week, and saving for a holiday over a new car.

Our Slow Report briefing looks at why there’s been this shift away from traditional metrics of success to a new set of values where factors like health, relationships and the environment come first and foremost.

Be it food, travel, design, fashion, technology or TV fast is no longer better.

Join us on Monday 14th September, 10am at Shoreditch House. This event is open to Shoreditch House members only. To book a place login to the House Seven website, or for more info about our Breakfast Briefings series contact