Bees, as buzzy and annoying as they sometimes can be, are pretty vital to our ecosystems and to our honey supplies. However, as everybody should know, they're having some trouble of late and not doing as well as they ought to be. The Bee Collective, a group of bee-enthusiasts in The Netherlands led by Pierre Van der Wal, aims to change that with their new project that hopes to brings bees back to our cities. As they explain, it's, 'next generation bee-keeping.'

Located high above our cities, the collective have designed Sky Hives, consisting of a 6 metre pole with a hive perched on top. The hives can be winched up and down as desired, keeping bees out of harms way of unsuspecting passers by, but allowing collectors to harvest the honey. The labour-intensive tasks of looking after the bees is shared by the Bee Collective in the area, splitting up responsibilities between members.

It's an interesting project that celebrates community and uses good design as a solution to environmental issues. Check it out here.

Via It's Nice That.