Meet the rule breaker making 100 per cent natural products exclusively in Germany
On a quiet street in the beautiful neighbourhood of Bergmannkiez, Berlin sits the home of forward-thinking brand Simon & Me and sister shop Local, where founder and designer Simon Freund stocks his eclectic range of one-off fashion items, homewares and accessories, made entirely from natural materials and produced solely on home turf, as well as a carefully curated selection of neon lights, beautifully bottled gin, local vodka and porcelain light fittings made by a community of German craftsmen.

Inside, past the large window front, offering passers-by a chance to peer inside at Local's gallery like interior, you might see a clean, white Simon & Me T-shirt that’s completely biodegradable, or a scented candle, with wicks from a West German factory, and nothing added to the scent except fresh rosemary and lemongrass. Each piece in the collection is diverse, but the thinking that goes into all of Freund’s work is the same. Quality comes first and foremost.

“Everything is super personal and of my own opinion,” explains Freund. “The products we sell are here to stay and there’s no need to put them on sale." The idea is to avoid being a fast, disposable fashion label. “This is something that's only successful if you work with the right brands.” For Freund it’s as much a lifestyle as an objective for his work... he even washes his hair and clothes with bio shampoos and detergents.

It all began for Freund at the tender age of 18. After school he spent a year doing two internships; one at a snowboard company and one at a fashion startup. Following this he studied Fashion and Branding in Amsterdam, but ended his studies after one year to launch his own venture. ‘It gave me the opportunity to learn everything by doing it myself,” explains Freund. “I wouldn’t recommend this way for anyone else, but for me it worked.’

"Local's purpose is to support and showcase like-minded brands that share our ideas of craftsmanship, quality and aesthetic vision. We believe in the value of locally manufactured goods"

In its first years Simon & Me products were produced worldwide, with high shipping costs and long delivery times. Aside from the time and monetary issues this posed, there was no personal connection between Freund and the products he was designing. “It felt like I didn´t really know them,” he explains. “So I was wondering how I could change this and how I could have a better connection with what I was producing. It made complete sense for me to produce in Germany where I can visit the factories, see how my products are being made, connect with the people producing my products and therefore be more connected with the products themselves.”

When he first suggested the concept of Made In Germany, everyone told Freund it was a waste of time. “Now everyone tries to find at least one product they can produce in their home country,” he comments. “It’s a positive development of course, but I feel for many brands it´s not because they believe in it, but just because it sells and because it´s on trend right now.’

The move to 100% natural products, 100% Made In Germany paid off. Not only did it pave the way for collaborations, like a highly successful, limited-edition set of copper bracelets made together with online fashion blog High Snobiety, but set Simon & Me in good stead with the local scene in Berlin. For Freund it’s important to bring together creatives in one country and give the brand a real sense of community that sets it aside from just another lifestyle/clothing label. You can gain a sense of the local area, particularly Berlin, in the aesthetics of the products.

It’s a look and idea no more apparent elsewhere than at Local, where everything, including the shop fit, is for sale. ‘Local's purpose is to support and showcase like-minded brands that share our ideas of craftsmanship, quality and aesthetic vision,” says Freund. “We believe in the value of locally manufactured goods. It means we make sure to only offer authentic goods that are crafted with passion, meticulous attention to detail, but respect for humanity and our natural resources.”