Conceived by Digiplastic Industries, Shrtwv (as in ‘shortwave’) is a sharing app that lets users anonymously post messages to geo-tagged locations.

By logging onto the app, posts, or ‘waves’, can be uploaded by users in the form of pictures or text and read in real-time by those nearby. Waves can be liked, flagged and commented on by people around you, creating a sort of anonymous diary of things happening in your immediate vicinity.

The app taps into a growing trend of more anonymous or private sharing, but its point of difference - and appeal - lies in the fact that each message is tied to a physical location. Everything from thoughts to confessions and restaurant reviews are now easier than ever to share with the knowledge that they’re safeguarded by anonymity. Rather than focusing on the self-serving element of online sharing and profile building, Shrtwv focuses on creating a sense of community and non-judgemental experience within small, physical spaces.

Whilst there are obvious flaws to Shrtwv (namely, the fact that it relies on early-adopters to be in the same location in order to produce new content), the concept - which taps into spontaneous thought - is one which holds promise, and is guaranteed to entertain. You can find it now on the App Store.