shhhh concept video from ILWON YOON on Vimeo.

If you're in need of a little digital downtime, here's an app that shuts up all your other apps
Ever wished your phone would just shut up? Or that you didn’t slavishly check for messages and notifications once a minute, especially when spending time with your nearest and dearest? Brooklyn-based UX designer Ilwon Yoon has just the thing.

With Shhhh, you schedule your phone to stop screaming for attention when you're with with friends, family or those times when you just want a little peace and quiet. Its GPS locator works out where you are, and then the app activates - for example, when you step foot in the door after work. Anyone who tries to contact you will receive a cordial message explaining why you’re temporarily incommunicado, and letting them know when they can expect to hear from you. When it’s time to get back online, your messages and alerts will be waiting for you.

Shhhh’s efficacy stems from the fact it doesn’t force you to go cold turkey, and it assuages concerns about not getting back to people like five minutes ago. If you do check your phone whilst Shhhh is activated, an on-screen message will ask you if you really want to check out of the moment by checking your phone. Being able to check friends’ Shhhh status will further enable you to address your communication habits.