A new Parisian studio is making visitors leave their tech devices at the doorNon-profit organisation, SEYMOUR+, has created a serene haven that provides its visitors with the opportunity to escape all technological and external distractions. “Because of SEYMOUR’s mission statement, people may think that I am anti-technology but I embrace it,” says SEYMOUR's founder, Melissa Unger. “In fact, I believe that the increased connectivity between individuals and the easy transcendence of time and space that the internet and other tech devices afford us make it a crucial step on humanity’s intellectual and spiritual journey.”With that in mind, the aim of the space is to allow the public to express themselves freely, by encouraging them to balance the usage of their technological stimuli with self-exploration.Located in Paris' 10th arrondissement, the studio is a 230m2 loft-style space spanning over two floors. With five interactive environments, customers can opt between The Projection Room, set to release tension and stress, The Secret Garden which encourages contemplation and awareness or Selfie Booth, Wish You Were Here and the Surf Your Mind Lounge. We are becoming far more conscientious about our digital downtime as digital addictions become more and more pervasive. Like SEYMOUR, both Faraday Café and L'Isolé took the decision out of customers' hands by banning social media inside their doors.
