City guides are all well and good but really their value depends very much on you having the same tastes and interests as the person giving the advice. Just because the reviewer had the best night of their lives losing their mind at an acid techno night does not mean you and your fondness for hand-brewed tea will.

In an attempt to remedy this shortcoming, travel site Scouted aim to add a little bit of personality into the travel recommendation business. Users simply pick a reviewer (or ‘scout’) in a location they’re interested in visiting and by looking at the scout’s profile can determine whether they’ll share similar interests, and therefore how likely they’ll enjoy their recommendations of restaurants, shops, bars and activities.

As travel services like Plus One Berlin and Traffle connect people and create more versatile, personal travel experiences, it’s perhaps unsurprising that ideas like Scouted, that also offer a more reliable, personal travel experience, are beginning to crop up more frequently.