Saturn V
Archie Pelago's new single come with an accompanying videogame that allows you to walk through their music

Brooklyn-based trio, Archie Pelago have released their latest track, Saturn V, not just as a music video or single but as a fully interactive videogame.
Adapted from Archie Pelago's recent Lakeside Obelisk release, players can listen to the song while walking around inside a 3D rendered building. Saturn V is presented as a space-age haven for the perfect, a "meticulously detailed and personally crafted hideaway," taking form as a "galactic tree-house" of the past, present and future.
Within the level are rooms with artworks and instruments, not to mention a looming planet outside. Musically, Saturn V indulges in a sweeping ambience mixing live orchestration and electronic elements.
Saturn V is available for Mac, PC, or in your web browser. The controls are simple and there is no objective other than the virtual and sonic experience itself, limited solely to moving around the space and absorbing sights as well as sounds.
The musical experience is no longer a stranger to digital interactivity. Recently, Mancub promoted a single with a deliberately "anti-fun" game Waiting In Line 3D, while Radiohead's Poly Fauna was an immersive augmented reality app, letting the user view lush imagery through the real world, with your smart device screen acting as the lens.
