If you are even remotely interested in some of the hottest areas in science, you have to get down to the Royal Society during its Summer Science Exhibition running 3rd-8th July.

The scope of science on offer is enough to satisfy even the most curious minds; exhibitions range from citizen scientists presenting their findings on London air quality (using mother nature's biosensor – tree lichen) to the neuroscience of teh lulz (aka laughter).

The science of genetics features prominently, including a thorough exploration of epigenetics. Epigenetics is one of the most important open questions in the biological sciences. Upon realising that sequencing the entire human genome didn't present all the answers sought, scientist began researching how our environments and lifestyle influence our genetic constitution. Cracking this puzzle would unlock much for the future of personalised medicine, and cutting edge British research into the epigenome is on show in “Epigenetics Exposed”.

Equally important to the future of disease is nano-medicine. Nanomedicinal machines range between 0.3 – 0.5 microns in size (which is 125 thinner than a human hair), and can deliver payloads of medicine to diseased cells, or important genetic treatments. However their small size makes traditional models of propulsion ineffective for navigating the inside of the human body. Nano-Scale Transportshowcases the ingenious locomotive mechanisms UK nanoengineers have designed for their miniscule machines.

On a lighter, but no less fascinating, note is an exhibition devoted to listening to bubbles. It turns out that bubbles can be used as acoustic sensors in areas from cancer diagnosis to food production. When sound bounces off a bubble it produces a signature ring which reveals lots of data about the surrounding environment (similar in principle to a bat's sonar). Using bubbles for data sonification makes us a tiny bit envious of scientist’s day jobs.

We could harp on about the exhibits on quantum spintronics,  android football virtuosos and speed traps for avalanches. But we don't want to spoil the spirit of discovery completely!

Check out more info here.