Leonard Menchiari has devised a new 8-bit video game Riot inspired by real world events taking inspiration from the wave of protests seen in Italy, Greece, Spain and Egypt. The game, developed for PC, Mac, iOS and Android allows the player to experience events from both the perspective of the police and protester, as the creator explains, "In Riot, the player will experience both sides of a fight in which there is no such thing as 'victory' or 'defeat' ”. Each scenario is tailored with it's own backdrop, Police uniforms and procedurally generated activists' clothes. The characters are designed to react in unpredictable ways based on real life events. With more unlockable riots from around the world, Riot offers the player a glimpse of other socio-political cultures. Giving the gamer an insight into real life experience could be the future of gaming and potentially the future of reporting if conflict scenarios can be recreated.

The game was recently green lit on Steam and is due to be released later this year.