The #drinksustainably video series employs colloquialisms and light humour to introduce its audience to the benefits of low intervention wines

Los Angeles clothing brand Reformation have teamed up with Marissa A Ross, the wine editor of Bon Appétitmagazine, to create a video series named Drink Sustainably which aims to provide the viewer with an introduction to sustainable wine drinking.

Reformation have built their company practices on making clothing with a low environmental impact, which makes their collaboration with Bon Appétit magazine, champions of low intervention wines, feel as seamless as pouring a glass of Chablis.

The videos manage to straddle the line between humorous and informative. Marisa A Ross uses her (deliberately) droll delivery touch on pesticide alternatives, the advantages of handpicked grapes and reasons why the additives included in many wines are harmful. The videos also double as crisp reviews on low intervention wines. #

To the uninitiated, conversations about wine can be a little daunting; whether the discussion surrounds how to consume it, what meal to pair it with or even its provenance, it can often feel as if true understanding is the reserve of bonafide wine enthusiasts.

Equally, although sustainability is a pressing topic, delivering information on the topic without coming across as moralistic and sanctimonious is also a difficult task. However, by addressing viewers as if she’s speaking to contemporaries not consumers, Marissa A. Ross overcomes these issues.

For more unusual campaigns, see Spanish fashion label Wellness who introduced a water brand as part of their latest collection, and Boston-based start up Kuvée’s smart dispensing wine bottle which optimises the wine consumption experience.