MIT Media Lab have created an app that allows users to edit their reality.

MIT Media Lab’s Fluid Interfaces Group have created an app with the potential to completely change how we interact with objects. Reality Editor is an augmented reality application that allows a tablet or a phone to map a virtual interface onto an object.

By pointing your phone at an object, its invisible capabilities (such as its timer, its thermostat, etc.) will become visible. Then you can reassign those capabilities to a totally different object by drawing a line from one component to the next within the app. For example, you can take a toaster’s timer and reassign it to your blender.

Reality Editor is still a long way from being a mass consumer device (no consumer products are currently supporting the app), but it does signal a step in a more empowered type of connected lifestyle, whereby the consumer can use and share all of their products’ functions at the touch of a button.