Yeasayer think it’s a little too easy for people to get hold of new music on the Web.

Rather than simply leak their new album, Fragrant World, by placing it on their site and allowing anyone to download it, the New York band created a digital scavenger hunt this week called PSCYVOTV, which challenged fans to hunt down the song’s videos across the internet.

Clues as to the whereabouts of the videos, produced by visual artist Yoshi Sodeoka, were published on the band’s Twitter account. Scavenging fans used these, along with a hefty amount of Googling, to track down the videos online.

The campaign is a clever way to create digital engagement through slowing down a normally spontaneous means of digital consumption. And if you’re wondering what PSCYVOTV means, according to the band, it stands for ‘Pre-emptive Self-Commissioned Yeasayer Vorstelling or Track Visualizer’. Obviously.