We teamed up with CreativeMornings to present the findings from our recent Age Report in a breakfast briefing at our New York HQ

Last week we invited 35 CreativeMornings guests down to Protein's New York headquarters for a preview screening of our new film alongside a in-depth presentation of some of the key findings around Teens and Boomers from our Age Report.

ProteinBreakfast Briefings are designed to educate and inform you on the changing attitudes and behaviours of influential consumers. Following on from our monthly Forum events, this new series gives you the chance to gain the latest insights into the Protein Audience. Highlighting innovative case studies and brand practices from the worlds of fashion, music, technology, travel and retail, we will disseminate key findings from our annual Audience Survey, quarterly trend reports and Journals in order to provide inspiration and ideas on how to engage with these early adopters.

Nowadays, a 60-year-old is as likely to be Chief Creative Officer as an OAP, while millennials are increasingly swapping university halls for startup incubators. Experiences are valued over security, taking risks over playing it safe, and can-do attitudes over stereotypes. We looked at how teen spirit is driving collaboration, creativity and entrepreneurialism, why the concept of adulthood for Millennials has shifted and what’s driving the new Boomer generation to travel, work, and party harder then ever, plus why this is transforming the way brands engage with them.

Watch the trailer for our new age film by Lucy Luscombe

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