Protein Lunchup with Okonomiyaki Hiroshimia
After the success of last week's DIY sushi session, we just had to do another Protein Lunchup this week.

After the success of last week's DIY sushi session, we just had to do another Protein Lunchup this week. This time, however, rather than get one of our own in-house culinary whiz-kids to do the cooking, we looked further afield...
We turned to Japanese chef Fumio Tanga, who regularly cooks up Okonomiyaki – Japanese savoury pancakes – at his stall called Sho Foo Doh at the food market on Chatsworth Road in Clapton. Anyone who's ventured up there on a Sunday afternoon knows just how delicious they are. And we couldn't get enough, so we asked Fumio to temporarily set-up in our 18 Hewett Street gallery yesterday lunchtime so the revenous Protein team could tuck into his meat and seafood pancakes.
If you're a bit jealous – don't be. Just head over to Clapton on a Sunday and try out the Okonomiyaki for yourself. In the meantime, here's a few shots by Teddy Fitzhugh of our lunch...
