Protein Journal #15 Launch Party
Thanks to everyone who came down to celebrate the launch of our latest issue

Thanks to everyone who came down to celebrate the launch of our latest issue
Last Thursday saw the official release of Protein Journal: The Gender Issue, and in keeping with tradition, we held a knees up in our Studio 2 Space in Shoreditch.
To kick off the party we debuted Beyond Gender, a short film by Protein TV and Daniel Brereton about the people challenging gender stereotypes in Britain. From there, Loren Platt (Work It), Kate Villevoye (Dazed) and the ever reliable Protein Soundsystem took to the turntables, while the rest of us saw off a boat load of free beer.
Cheers to all of you for making it another great night. We'll see you next time for the launch of our next issue and the Age Report.
