Last month Generator Hostels launched a new annual event that seeks to challenge what travellers can expect from their accommodation experience. The European travel brand collaborated with LA based arts and culture publication, Lab Magazine, to curate a four-day long series of art installations, musical performances and DJ sets, all taking place within their Berlin Mitte hostel. The event then travelled to their Copenhagen location, and is set for wider expansion next year.

The Berlin Mitte event saw performances from the likes of Magic Island, Top Less Gay Love Tekno Party and Sarah Farina, art installations from Maser, David Ogle and an Instagram tour hosted by Berlin's leading Instagrammer, Michael Schulz, a.k.a. @Berlinstagram.

Showcasing some of the best local, (and not-so-local) artists from each location #Regenerate is an example of the evolving attitudes of both young travellers, who are seeking a more authentic cultural experience, and the travel brands that are beginning to react to these new expectations.

Film by Vidsett.
Music by Magic Island.