In the latest Protein Journal we investigate the rapidly evolving travel landscape. Technological, cultural and economical developments have drastically altered how the millennial generation gets away from it all; not only are they traveling more, but their reasons for traveling are more diverse. These millennials are not just globetrotting in hoards, they're doing it differently - their nomadic agenda makes travel a normal way of life and they are redefining what it means to be away from home.

To shed a little more light on the situation, we’re holding a Forum investigating 'Wandering Tribes: How Travel is Changing Forever'. Taking place on Tuesday, 18 November from 19:00 to 20:30 at our New Inn Yard Space, the last of the tickets are available here.

Speaking are:

Emma Benney, Marketing Director of Generator Hostels, the fastest growing hostel brand in Europe.

Florian Sieprt, Founder Open Trips, a service for crowdsourced niche group tours.

Alasdair Snow, Co-Found Triptease, a new travel search engine that collects and shares users' favourite places.