Last week, to coincide with the launch of our new Journal, which features an exclusive Health Report, we hosted a Forum looking at the future of the health industry, emerging attitudes to health and how technological innovations are changing how we look after ourselves today. Topics ranged from the rise in popularity of juice bars, the merits of quantifying every aspect of our lives, how to start a running club and how apps can help control mental illness.

Taking place at the Ace Hotel Basement in London, speakers included quantified self and wearable technology expert Drew Benvie, of Body Data, Daniel Bladon from Design & Prosper, a health app design studio, the ever-charismatic Charlie Dark, founder of the unstoppable Run Dem Crew running club, and finally Dot Lip, owner of London's freshest new juice bar, Lovage.

Afterwards spiced cauliflower cocktails were served (yum...) as we hosted a party to celebrate the Journal release. Thanks for coming if you did and if you missed it, sign up for the weekly Protein Supplement to stay up to date with our constantly growing calendar of events. (Just over there --->)