Join us on March 30 for our forum exploring the future of feminism

Feminism’s fourth wave has witnessed a massive change in the cultural landscape: gender is no longer static, women are climbing the career ladder, and feminism itself is no longer a dirty word. Much of this has been driven by changes in technology and connectedness, fuelling a global movement that's striving for gender equality.

Coinciding with The Gender Issue, we explore how digital platforms, like Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter are helping a new generation of feminists to challenge prejudice. We are seeing that when it comes to addressing gender equality and sexism, fourth-wave feminists aren’t just along for the ride. A new generation is taking matters into their own hands, discussing politics and social issues, otherwise ignored by the mainstream media, and using social-media tools to quickly and effectively address discrimination at large.

Join us, meet the people at the forefront of the change, and take part in a discussion about what’s next.

On our panel we have:

Teo Connor and Loren Platt: founders of The W Project, an initiative celebrating the creativity of women across the creative industries.

Jago Rackham: editor and writer at HYSTERIA magazine, an all-inclusive platform for people to talk about feminism.

Phoebe Collings-James: multi-disciplinary artist and founder of Cunt Today.

Amrou Al-Kadhi: senior editor at The Inkling Magazine and creator of drag troupe Denim.

And if all of that wasn't enough, we'll be be screening an animation showreel compiled by the girls from Punanimation, a new collective of women animators.

Tickets are available here.