Protein Forum | Pay Attention: The Future of Online Content
Join us on April 25 for our forum exploring the future of online content.

Join us on Monday April 25 at 7:00pm for our forum exploring the future of online content. Online publishing is changing. What was once the ultimate marker of a website’s success is now undergoing revaluation. The click as the primary metric of engagement and ad performance is faltering. In its place is a new method of measuring performance which relies more on attention-maintaining than attention-grabbing content.
In the move to create a less cluttered and healthier web will the clickthrough rate become a redundant term? How are technologies such as ad blocking fuelling this change? And how can online publishers develop more meaningful content that their audience will engage with?
Join us as we meet the people at the forefront of the change and take part in a discussion about what’s next.
On our panel we have:
Lynette Nylander, Deputy Editor i-D
Ben Young, CEO Nudge
More TBC...
Protein Studios - 31 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EY