The definition of a store is not what it used to be. Today, shopping can be done almost anywhere, and in an ever increasing number of ways. We now shop online, offline, on our mobiles apps, through Tumblr, and by clicking products in shoppable videos. We forage for deals through coupon apps and on private flash sales. Sometimes we don’t even browse: we let algorithms automatically recommend products for us. Meanwhile, offline stores are responding to this digital disruption by completely rethinking what the limits of a physical store experience can be.
It seems that developments in how we shop show no signs of slowing down. It’s uncertain how we’ll be shopping in five, ten, fifteen years from now, but one thing is clear: shopping tomorrow will not be what it is today.To explore this further, Protein are bringing together some of the most inventive minds working in retail today.

Rachel Shechtman, founder of Story in New York, a concept store that completely overhauls its stock and appearance based on a rotating series of themes.

Maxine Bedat, co-founder of ethically minded fashion retailer Zady, a platform that aims to preserve and promote traditional methods of clothes production.

Gala Magrina, CEO and creative director of M Crown Productions, a retail design agency creating innovative and immersive spaces for brands including Lacoste, Ben Sherman and Diesel.

Jared Schiffman, CEO of Perch, a revolutionary interactive technology that brings a layer of dynamic digital content to the physical retail environment.

Tickets only $10. Available here.