Good news London, the Protein Audience briefing is almost here.

London, hold onto your hats, the 2016 Audience Briefing is almost here. Based on the findings from our annual international survey, the Protein team will guide you through the emerging trends, themes and behaviours of that culturally savvy group, the early adopter consumer. As always, we’ve lined up a host of immersive workshops - based on some of the most innovative projects the past year - that will bring our findings to life.

The themes of the Audience Briefing 2016 will be:

Responsibility How our audience is exploiting the hyper-connected nature of their day-to-day lives to make a tangible difference to those who are perennially marginalised by the status quo. We examine how this insistence on justice and equality for all also extends to the behaviour they now expect from brands. The related workshop will see participants work with Help The Refugees to create a personal package full of donations that will be used to alleviate the plight of the 60 million refugees in the world today
Resistance How this group of early adopters is reassessing their dependence on brands that offer frictionless, convenient services. Their growing reliance on instantaneous gratification has given way to a preference for organic discovery that they’re made to work for. Our/London will lend their expertise to host the accompanying workshop.
Openness How our audience’s truly global mindset has given rise to an unprecedented level of openness in the way they are willing to engage with brands. This group is so savvy when it comes to advertising that they’re far more likely to appreciate unusual, fluid messages than they are the tried and trusted. In keeping with this theme, Emily Groves’ emoji workshop will offer a glimpse into a world of singular communication.
Status How this group of early adopters, who’re united by the breadth of their interests, are managing to stand out despite this. Crucially, we take a closer look at how their digital identities are now helping to extend and define their individual sense of self. Our accompanying workshop will equip partakers with the skills needed to create the perfect selfie with the aid of a front-lit technology Lumie phone case.

You can purchase your tickets here, and for the next 24 hours we're offering a whopping 50% discount, just use the code FLASH50 at the checkout.

Thursday May 26th 2016

3.30pm -  7.00pm

Protein Studios, 31 New Inn Yard, Shoreditch, London, EC2A 3EY