It's that time of year again. Soon the Protein Audience Survey 2014 will be released, filled with the findings, reports, and insights of the international survey we've been conducting over the past few months. Looking at how the attitudes and behaviours of early-adopters have shifted since last year, the Protein Audience Survey is vital to understanding what's going on inside the heads of this key demographic.

To help you navigate this winding, and seemingly unpredictable path, we're holding an Audience Briefing to shed some light on our findings, as well as possibly reveal some new ones we didn't have room for in the Survey.

Taking place on May the 1st in our new space at New Inn Yard, as well as an in-depth presentation from the Protein Insight team, the event will feature hands-on workshops held by a carefully selected group of practitioners. Helping you get to grips with some of the trends talked about in the Briefing and the Survey we have Design Marketo, Hyperlocal Market, Lovage, Inition and Sebastien Tarek.

Make sure you don't miss it. Early bird tickets have already sold out and spaces are limited. Get a ticket right here.