Based on the success of our event in the UK last month, we're coming to New York to share the love with all our US clients, members and family with the (Ac) Protein Audience Academy NYC.Nostalgic supper clubs, Instagram blogging and goth bleep on Soundcloud. Today’s 18-35 year olds are re-inventing contemporary culture, changing the urban landscape, and – importantly – re-defining consumer tastes. As a company that helps brands connect with this ever-evolving global audience, it's our job to continually monitor their tastes, habits and behaviours, which we do via a number of different techniques. But it's our annual Audience Survey that creates the most interesting and valuable insights.We want to share these ideas with you in person, so on May 1st we’re hosting an intimate evening Academy (this year is all about conviviality, after all) that uncovers these key trends and puts you face-to-face with the individuals instigating them. As well as presentations and mini-workshops, you’ll also get a copy of our 90-page printed 2012 Audience Survey report to take home with you.It’ll be a fun, inspiring and informative evening that will keep you clued up and up-to-date for the year. Book your tickets now.