Yesterday afternoon Protein presented an overview of the findings from its 2012 Audience Survey to a crowd of planners, marketers and brand managers at our 18 Hewett Street gallery space.

From hyperlocal community-led influencer projects to slow media app campaigns, we gave guests an explanation of the current behavioural trends and brand case studies that are affecting the way our taste-making audience lives, thinks and plays. Jo Jackson, Protein’s new Managing Director, along with Max Reyner, our Head of Insight, took guests through the lifestyles and habits of these influential 18-35 year olds, and explained how brands can respond to them in order to stay relevant for the coming year.

Of course, in true Protein style, the day wasn’t just about presentations – we also brought to life the report's food and drinks section to give guests a taste of how we’ll be drinking and eating in 2012. Our favourite chefs at F.A.T. provided a menu that captured all the relevant food trends, which included handmade potato chips with truffle, ceviche of bream in lime and rose petal plum paletas. While Addie Chinn of The Boilermaker concocted a deliciously light and refreshing Golden Fleece punch.

As well as some new insights to think about, guests also took away a copy of the Audience Survey 2012 report with them to provide further reading on all the trends and data presented, as well as an in-depth analysis of current audience trends in our key cultural sectors – from music and technology to travel and food.

If you want to attend future Academies, want to get hold of the new Audience Survey 2012, everything will be available through the new Protein OS subscription service which launches today ... which we of course wholeheartedly encourage you to join as you'll receive a hard copy of the Audience Survey 2012, a copy of all the trend presentations from yesterday’s event as well as loads of awesome things..