This year has been Protein's busiest and best yet. Between all the exhibitions, parties, markets and forums, we've barely had a moment to catch our breath over the last twelve months. Here's a rundown of our favourite moments in the year so far, just in case you missed any of them…

Gallery Shows:  

The variety of exhibitions we've hosted this year has been amazing fun and the response has been great. So we seem to be doing something right. From the inimitable Daniel Johnston, who packed the space out with guests enjoying pizza and beer, to the young Joe Kessler who wallpapered our entire gallery with his comic book art, the quality of work has been terrific and we are incredibly proud. New York GIF wizards, Reed + Rader, transformed the space into a prehistoric dubstep wonderland, while the Iluzjon exhibition showcased an epic collection of 40 year old Polish movie posters.

And it's not just the art that's been bringing people by. Over the summer we also hosted a pop-up kitchen with the legendary Dante Fried Chicken, complete with homemade Hennessey Apple Slushies. A huge thank you to everyone who came down and helped make every event so awesome.


This year also saw us up our print game, with a new design for the Protein Journal. Our quarterly publication got bigger and better, with issues covering Food, Travel and Performance. We interviewed the likes of Momofuku's Christina Tosi, Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian and design duo Something & Son, printed galleries from, Something I Ate and Iluzjon, and Q&A'd everyone from Run Dem Crew to Elliot's. Check out the online versions here if you missed them.


This year, our Protein Forums have skyrocketed – in scale, frequency and general awesomeness. Our monthly discussions have seen top commentators and practitioners talk on a diverse assortment of subjects. We've discussed the idea of introducing insects into Western diets in our Future of Food forum, the Music industry's chances of survival in the Future of Listening, the groundbreaking shift within the travel industry in our New York office's Travel Forum, and we collaborated with to talk about the massive potential of Digital Art.


Of course, it hasn't all been serious chit-chat here at Protein. The highlight of our summer was without a doubt the massive Hewett Street Block Party. Dozens of local businesses, artists, designers, chefs and brewers all took up stalls to sell their wares on a warm afternoon in September. Guests in their thousands flocked down and packed the place out. Drinks were drunk, gifts were bought, food was scoffed and a lot of fun was had by all. Check out the video at the top for the highlights.

We also wrapped up the year (just last weekend) with our inaugural Protein Christmas Market. Transforming the gallery into a unique festive food shop, we sourced products from some of our favourite local producers, set up a bar selling homemade mulled cider, a cosy sofa room, as well as our ultimate Badman Santa photo booth. Judging from our stock take, a lot of lucky people will be finding Protein Christmas presents under their trees this year…

Client work:  

2012 saw Protein get stuck into some really exciting brand collaborations. Our Beck's Art Labels project saw us team up the iconic beer brand with artists like M.I.A., Aerosyn-Lex and Geoff McFetridge, creating specially-designed beer bottle labels. Nokia approached us to help them put together a series of three short films for their 'Everyday Adventures' project. International directors, Gustav Johansson, Daniel Riberio and Dmitry Povolotsky were brought in to each make a movie that connected with one another, so collaboration was essential.

And we were also commissioned by technology giants Intel to put together on an enormous exhibition in the Vinyl Factory in Soho. Technology-artists Hellicar and Lewis put together a series of impressive interactive art pieces that utilised Intel's new Ultrabook for the unique TRIPTYCH series, with projections on three enormous screens filling the whole space.

As ever, we'd like to thank all of our clients, creatives, friends and awesome Protein-fam for making 2012 the best ever. Have a great New Year's, and we'll see you all in 2013!