Ever wish you could press more than just the 'like' or 'dislike' button on a YouTube video? Well now you can thanks to Project Goodcry. Created by Dee Kim and Bistin Chen, the project is an online experiment which has been designed to explore the relationship between crying and the media, and to make crying a collective experience.

Google Chrome users can download a unique button as a plug in on YouTube which installs an 'I cried' option under every video. This can then be pressed whenever a particular video tugs at your heart strings. A website collates the collective tears on a leader-board so users can compare their ratings with others. This month, for example, the top tear-jerker is a scene from children's film 'The Fox & The Hound' which has currently reduced 514 people to tears. Other videos on the chart include a scene from Dumbo and a film about a dying dog, Last Minutes with Oden.

It's an interesting project which attempts to enhance communication on digital spaces by allowing more complex feelings to be registered rather than simply passive, 'likes'. Download it for yourself here.