It was only a matter of time before iPhone and iPod users would be able to turn their photos from apps like Instagram into 3D pictures or video. Poppy, an attachable accessory that creates 3D effects, was created by Joe Heitzberg of Snapvine and Ethan Lowry of UrbanSpoon.

The handheld accessory looks like the combination of binoculars and Fisher-Price's View-Master, in which the iPhone or iPod Touch slips in. The device uses the phone's camera to take the picture, then the picture is reflected on the internal mirrors where the photos are then turned into two stenographic images when viewed through the viewfinder. Poppy has a stand-alone app that can be downloaded on your iPhone as well.

Like devices we've looked at before, such as the Bioscope, Poppy is an example of people's desire to enhance their experience with photo and video content.