Syncing motion with music, Play the Road is a new software technology from Volkswagen and British dance act Underworld, allowing users to compose music as they drive. While the idea sounds dangerously distracting, in practice Play the Road – designed exclusively for the Golf GTI – provides a hands free experience in a controlled environment, with the software responding in realtime to the way that the driver manoeuvres their vehicle.

By combining data from the car’s onboard computer, incorporating steering, acceleration and GPS, the app responds musically to wheel turns, gear shifts and changes of direction, pulling from an original music bank composed by Underworld to create a bespoke soundtrack. According to its creators, Play the Road was built on the insight that everyone has a soundtrack they like to drive to, and celebrates the originality of the Golf GTI whilst aiming to elevate the driving experience as a whole.

Unfortunately for anyone hoping to turn their vehicle into a musical instrument, Play the Road will not be available for general release. Instead, it will be used by Volkswagen in monitored environments for competitions and track days.