British Airways has recently launched a new digital campaign, developed by BBH London's digital agency Monterosa in partnership with ZenithOptimedia and Kinetic Fuel, which allows users to dream up their perfect holiday.

Created to inspire holidaymakers, Picture Your Holiday is a visual platform that hopes to suggest holiday destinations passengers might not have originally considered by allowing users to pick from a selection of images that most appeal to them. Based on this data, the tool suggests suitable holiday destinations, and gives participants the chance to share the results online via their social networks. In the hopes of capturing the imaginations of the public at large, British Airways has also installed interactive touch screen versions of the online platform in London’s Westfield shopping centres.

In this day and age, digital interactivity and personalisation are the golden tickets to consumer engagement. Comparable to Heinekens recent Departure Roulette campaign, this initiative is interesting because it introduces a sense of chance and play into an otherwise fixed procedure, ultimately offering a fun alternative to an otherwise uninspiring process.