A rethinking of how electronic devices are built, PhoneBloks is a cell phone made out of assembled components

The downside to the technological revolution is we are now faced with massive amounts of electronic waste. After only a couple of years most devices give up the ghost or are simply outdated.
To address this Designer Dave Hakkens has re-imagined the whole concept of how electronic devices are built and has come up with PhoneBloks, a cell phone made out of assembled components, such as battery, memory, camera, antenna and so on. These 'bloks' are interchangeable according to the builders needs and preferences. While one person may set a high value on a long battery life another might prefer a bigger memory or camera. All the bloks are attached to the base and can be replaced when broken or just updated when needed, thereby eliminating the need to throw the whole device away just because one component has failed.
It's interesting to see a design that takes such a simple approach to eliminating unnecessary waste.
