This new subscription service sends exclusively sourced socks straight to your doorstep

"No matter how carefully I sort my socks," Andy Warhol once wrote, "whenever I do my laundry, there are always some missing." While this new subscription service may not have solved Warhol's sock mystery, it may have at least alleviated the problem.
Pharmacie delivers one pair of socks to your door once a month for a flat fee. Working with a northern Italian family-led community, the premise is simple: on the first of every month a new sock is released and sent exclusively to subscribers. Co-founder Huw Devine hopes the service will make quality items easily available to those who don't have the time to source special products themselves. The first release is made with the late European winter in mind, and is made from 90% Egyptian wool - with some added nylon for strength.
Specialist subscription services seem to be cropping up more frequently of late. We recently looked at Shaken Cocktails, a service that sends cocktail recipe ingredients straight to your door.
