This year's Coachella Festival is partnering with Here Active Listening System to offer its attendees a completely personalised audio experience. If you've ever been to a music festival, you'll be familiar with the ringing that plagues your ears afterwards. For the most part, until now it's been unavoidable, but this year Palm Springs-located music festival Coachella is teaming up with Hear Active Listening System to create an improved audio experience. Hear Active is the first in-ear audio system and it uses two wireless buds and a smartphone app to let its user instantly control and personalise their live audio environment.

Created by Doppler Labs, the product was launched after successfully reaching their Kickstarter goal. Here Audio allows festival goers to act as their own personal sound mixer as listeners are in full control of increasing the bass, altering the EQ, adding reverb and eliminating background noises altogether.

“We all hear the world differently and find certain sounds/noises bearable or not. One person may hear a guitar scream and shout with joy and another may cover their ears in despair. Right now the only way to account for that is leaving an environment, or stuffing your ears with tissue or plugs. We believe every audio experience can benefit from personalization, as each person hears the world in a unique way, whether that’s live music, the sounds of a city, or the hum of an open office. Noise to one person is music to another’s ears.

Here embraces those preferences by putting control at user’s fingertips. You’d be surprised what minimal changes to your audio environment can do to comfort and taste. Reducing something five decibels can be the difference between enjoying a live experience or leaving with your ears ringing," says Noah Kraft, CEO and Co-Founder of Doppler Labs.

Here Audio is already backed by heavy industry hitters with the likes of Hans Zimmer, Quincy Jones, Mark Ronson, Tiesto, WME and Universal Music Group having shown their support. It's a shrewd move for the company to use a music festival this size as its first commercial launch, as Coachella 2016 will be the first time Here will be available for the mass public to try and buy.