Using your smartphone as an environmental measuring device is becoming frequently popular. Much like the Lapka system we featured in the summer, that measures chemical and biological states of things around you, this new personal weather station offers users the ability the chance to receive detailed, accurate, local weather reports.

Developed by French design studio Netatmo, the system employs a couple of sensors for both indoors and outside, to put together a comprehensive record of environmental factors, including humidity, air pressure and CO2 levels.

This data can then be viewed and analysed on the accompanying iPhone app, where patterns and spikes are processed into useful, meaningful data.

Interestingly the app goes one step further and is able to offer advice to users. For example, if CO2 levels are too high, it will suggest opening a window, or if air pressure suggests it might rain it will recommend an umbrella. This smart advice takes the system beyond being simply a data accumulator and makes it applicable to everyday life.