Environmentally-friendly and printing are never phrases that have exactly gone hand in hand. Technology giant Samsung is looking to change that with the introduction of the Origami printer, a personal mono laser printer designed for the eco-conscious. Constructed from 100% recycled material, Origami is an easy to assemble printer that can be cut out and folded into shape using the same method as origami. The construction of the case takes place before the mechanics and engine unit are fitted.

Despite being constructed from cardboard, Origami is designed to be as highly durable and effectively functional as its plastic covered counterparts. It is apparently water and fire resistant as well. Seungwoof Jeong, Samsung’s principal designer, was inspired to create Origami after looking at a box from a donut shop. The prototype is not only eco-friendly but simplifies the manufacturing process, making it cheaper and easier for Samsung to produce. Easy to manufacture and easy on the environment, the Origami printer is perhaps the ultimate in recyclable technology.