Protein is proud to present the launch of On Plate, Still Hungry - a new online food, drink, travel and culture magazine that sees a worldwide collective of writers, artists, chefs, designers, photographers, musicians and filmmakers share meals, stories, interviews and ideas on the daily. presents exclusive stories from London to Los Angeles, New York to Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Manila, Austin, Tokyo and more, following guest columnists and contributors across food, drink and travel. Serving up a creative community of individuals who, like all of us, are experiencing food in their own candid and intimate ways. It’s about representing modern food culture with a fresh, new voice.

To coincide with the magazine’s live launch, Something I Ate comes to London for the first time with an exhibition at our 18 Hewett Street gallery. A seasonal food + art event series that mirrors the community and contributor aspect of On Plate, Still Hungry, founded in Brooklyn in 2011. Something I Ate, On Plate, Still Hungry and Protein invited 47 of our favourite London-based people across food, drink, music, media, art, fashion, film and photography to document a week’s worth of eating.

Three photos a day of breakfast, lunch and dinner. 987 photographs of the good, the bad and the tasty, being collated into a large-scale data art installation designed by Protein at our 18 Hewett Street gallery - part snapshot diary, part data visualisation of London’s eating habits, part self motivation to eat more vegetables. Inspired by the individuals and the food data collated, Something I Ate’s New York chef Sam Kim will be flying over to create a mini menu served up on the opening night, with music by London’s own globally endowed music and art label, Earnest Endeavours.

Check out the Facebook event page here.

Curated by Freddie Janssen, Terence Teh, Kat Popiel, Helen Ralli, Mehdi Lacoste, Jonathan Fagan, Sarah Pearson

Data visualisation designed by Protein
Food by Sam Kim
Something I Ate & On Plate, Still Hungry
Protein Gallery
18 Hewett Street

Opening Night: Friday 27th April 7pm - 10pm
Exhibition running: Saturday 28th April - Sunday 6th May