Tech company OMsignal has developed a shirt embedded with sensors that can detect and track the wearer’s emotional state and share the data socially.

While the multitude of fitness and movement tracking products such as Nike+ and FitBit are designed specifically for physical activity and performance, the aim of OMsignal high-tech apparel is to provide monitoring of their wellbeing and basic bodily functions. Its shirt - which is currently in beta with some early adopters in the fields of surgery, fitness and anthropology – features sensors that have direct contact with the skin and monitor heart rate, breathing, physical activity, burnt calories and even stress levels. Collected data is then sent to the user’s smartphone where it can be analyzed in real time and tracked over a period of time. The technology strives to offer users a more detailed look into their emotional state, as well as monitoring of health conditions and prevention of stress in its earlier stages.

In the near future, OMsignal hopes to help users track a wide range of metrics, from eating habits to the health of babies in pregnant women and remote monitoring of elderly people.