Known for their smart compression technology for men, OMSignal are now releasing a biometric tracking sports bra for women.

OMsignal is a Montreal-based sports-technology company which is famed for it’s high-end “smart” compression clothing for men. Now, they are prioritising female biomechanics with the release of the OMBra, a biometric tracking, ergonomically-designed sports bra.

Following the resource investment and experience of a Ralph Lauren collaboration, OMbra will launch in Spring 2016. The OMbra is competing in a market saturated with female-centric sportswear brands creating clothing that reflect the recent symbiosis of athletic apparel and high fashion. Promoting a similar ethos, OMsignal seeks to empower women through a brand ethos centred upon female comfort and wellbeing.

The bra is representative of a wave of products geared towards women’s performance needs, but doing so through more rigorously scientific and technological approaches. OMsignal utilised research insights of female biomechanics through an extensive development process to respond accurately, and directly, to female demand. The result is a bra made from a flexible, pressure-absorbing and breathable fabric with adjustable padded cupping. The depth of the R&D process is reflected in the implementation of adjustable, stretchable fabric straps. These ensure full enclosure, restricting not only vertical, but also the less widely understood, but equally uncomfortable, horizontal breast movement during exercise.

Part of a deepening digitisation of ourselves through the development of wearable tech, the OMbra allows us to outsource personal biological analyses that can more immediately inform our behaviour. The lightweight and sensor-packed Smartbox attached to the fabric offers the most advanced data reading tech. Sending signals via OMRun to a smartphone, OMsignal provides more than the essential basic insights of distance, cadence and heart rate. The platform offers running economy, fatigue levels and biometric coaching, (biometric effort measured against your stated targets), to drive improvement in performance.

Ergonomic and technological innovation banishes discomfort and drives fitness development. The smart bra is expected to ship in spring of this year.