The old Old Spice ads (not the old old ones from back in the day, but certainly those iconic Isaiah Mustafa campaigns from the past couple of years) earned the dad-worthy aftershave brand a certain cult, not to mention award-winning, stature. it could be argued that the hype sometimes oversold the campaign, and even that the campaigns might perhaps have also oversold the product itself (CB I Hate Perfume, Old Spice certainly ain't). But the Wieden + Kennedy boys are at it again – this time outdoing themselves with their new muscular front man, a decidedly more low-key aesthetic, a high level of digital interactivity, and an unrelenting sense of rhythm.

Sat in naught but a pair of bright red shorts, the enormous Terry Crews is wired up to a Danger Zone set packed with musical instruments and random sound-generative devices – every flex of his many ridiculous muscles yielding a different bass kick, synth chord, or flame-throwing saxophone … all to ear-thundering, RPM-slaying goodness.

The real highlight of the whole affair, however, is the interactive free-reign that is handed over to the viewer after the initial high-octane demonstration is complete. Built directly into the Vimeo page, rhythmic set-pieces, percussive hits, guitar slides, and easter eggs galore are there for those with a few minutes (and a keyboard) in front of them. An awesome viral to reinvigorate our Wednesday afternoon.

Watch the video below… Or go straight to the Vimeo page for some interactive amusement.